Tuesday, March 29, 2011

David's 50th Birthday Party

Last Saturday the girls and I rode with my parents out to McCook.  They were having a suprise 50th b-day party for my uncle.  We stayed at the Chief Motel and had the tables by the pool reserved for the party.  It was so much fun.  My Grandma and Grandpa Mestl were there and all 9 of their kids made it.  We were only missing four of my cousins!  The girls ran and ran and ran some more.  The pool was fenced in which was great, so the little kids could play on the outside and we didn't have to worry about them getting too close.  Brooke swam for quite awhile, but Allyx had no desire to go in.  It was nice and relaxing to just hang out with everyone.  On Sunday we got up and headed to Kearney to meet Amanda for brunch at Perkins.  Brooke got to ride with Nolan, Laure & Kevin, she was pretty much an entertainer the whole drive I think.  She talked the whole time....which is not surprising.  Here are a few pictures from the weekend. 

 My mom's family, with and with out wigs :)

Brooke and Allyx shot in the motel room Sunday morning!

Monday, March 21, 2011

March Birthdays

Let's see I am now a week behind, again :)!  Last weekend we went up to Laurel on Friday and Saturday.  On Friday I was able to go see my friend Lindsey and her little girl Kamryn.  We lived together in college, and now it seems we are both quite busy so it was great to get to catch up with her.

   We then spent time at my parents and had a birthday party for Laura on Saturday.  The girls love getting to see and "help" with Nolan!  Both think they are just the most help in the world, running to get things for him.  Allyx can seem to find a plug from a room away and bring it to you saying "baby." 
I got to go out with dad both days and ride so that was really nice.  I got to ride his 3 yr. old that he bought in Texas, his registered name is McLovin----I just found that hilarious, but since my dad hadn't seen the movie Superbad it didn't click with him.  Needless to say he has now watched so he can feel included as Amanda and I say.  We headed back home Saturday evening both girls slept on the way home so that always makes for a nice drive.

On Sunday after church we went over to Danielle's for Cooper's 3rd birthday party.  There was a smaller crowd due to that darn flu bug.  I think that Dusty and I ate enough for all of the people that couldn't make it.  Danielle had a great meal!  It was a nice afternoon and the girls enjoyed playing with their cousins.  We had the church soup supper that night, so it was a busy day.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Indoor Fun!

As much as the girls love playing outside, they have found a few ways to keep themselves busy inside as well!  It is amazing to see each day how much more they are busy playing with each other.  Allyx doesn't always do just what Brooke would like her too, but that is just part of growing up.  Things have been pretty quiet around here.  Last weekend Allyx got the flu and was down and out for several days, Brooke did catch it but not as bad.  When the girls are sick it makes me realize how lucky we are that we are usually very healthy.  Still can't believe how big they are getting.  Have a good week.
                                                           Busy playing playdough.

I am not sure what it is about the laundry baskets, but my girls sure love to play in them!

Busy with their horses.